Personalberatung für Technologie

Over 570 technology jobs

Personnel consulting for technology

Would you like to advance your career or are you looking for specialists and managers in the field of technology? Vesterling has been one of the leading technology recruitment consultancies for over 25 years. What sets us apart are the technological qualifications of our recruiters and our unique access to more than 300,000 IT and engineering specialists and 2,500 hiring companies.

Georg Rueff Eva Vesterling Martin Vesterling

Excellent recruitment agency

With us you are in the best hands! Vesterling constantly receives awards. For example, we have been awarded Top Company and Open Company by Kununu. According to the news magazine FOCUS and the Statista Institute, Vesterling is one of the best personnel service providers. We continue to work tirelessly on this. Read testimonials about us and judge for yourself!

  • Handelsblatt Top 40 personnel consulting
  • Focus Top personnel service provider
  • Focus Top Consultants IT, Internet, Software and Services
  • Focus Top Consultants Professional Search
  • Focus Top Employer Medium-Sized Businesses
  • Kununu Top Company & Kununu Open Company

Hundreds of open jobs
in IT and Engineering

Updated hourly

Our job market is one of the most comprehensive for IT and engineering positions in the German-speaking world. The job offers are updated hourly for you. Use the numerous filter options to find the right job for you quickly and accurately. With just one application, you can open up many new future prospects with Vesterling! We will be happy to inform you about suitable job offers in the future!

We stand out due to a particularly high level of placement expertise in the following areas:

IT Management | AI | Digitalisation | CIO | CDO | IT Service Management | Business Intelligence | SCRUM Master | Embedded Systems | DevOps | Java | IT Administration | C# | SAP | Software Development | SCRUM Product Owner | Software Quality Management | IT Governance | ERP Systems | IT Sales | Data Engineering | IT Security

Find your dream job now!

Personalvermittlung für Technologie

Leading personnel consultancy for technology

In IT and engineering, companies are desperately looking for skilled workers and managers, but can’t find them. Applicants can choose their job from many offers. Today, they must therefore be specifically sought out, approached and convinced. As a personnel consultancy, we are happy to do this for you. You can also benefit from our large candidate network of computer scientists and engineers, which we have built up over 25 years. Take advantage of our many years of experience in technology recruiting!

Technology Executive Search

Technology executive search

Our recruiters have a technological degree and speak the language of IT and engineering at management level. Our success proves us right: the satisfaction rate of clients with our new appointments is 96 percent in executive search.

The right choice for your recruitment

Vesterling has been one of the leading personnel service providers in the technology sector for more than 25 years. The focus of its activities is on the recruiting of experts up to executive search at board level, the implementation of open and tailor-made trainings for companies, career services as well as outplacement.

Our clients include more than 2,500 companies from all industries, ranging from small and medium-sized companies to global corporations. Our aim is to satisfy our clients in the long term and to develop a successful partnership.