Your recommendation
is worth € 1,000!
Personal recommendations are important to us and in our experience, good people know other good people. Help your friends to get access to the Vesterling network! If you recommend a friend or colleague whom we subsequently place with one of our clients, we will reward you with € 1,000!

Conditions of participation
You are entitled to the bonus if all of the following conditions are met:
- The person making the recommendation was already registered as a candidate with Vesterling AG prior to the recommendation. The recommended candidate was not registered as a candidate with Vesterling AG prior to this application.
- The recommended candidate applies via our online application form and enters the e-mail address of the recommender in the field provided.
- The recommended candidate will be placed in a permanent position by Vesterling AG within 6 months of the initial application at Vesterling AG.
- Employees of Vesterling AG, their relatives and spouses are excluded from participation.

It’s that easy
Your friend or colleague applies via the online application form and enters your email address in the recommendation field. Of course you can also recommend more than one person – you will then be entitled to the bonus several times!
Interested? Then let’s get started: talk to your friends and colleagues about us! Networking pays off!